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“An abundant life.”

Posted By By Lourdes Abello  
15:00 PM

“I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -  John 10:9-10


These verses speak about the meaning of an abundant life through Christ which far outweighs our material possessions on Earth. This begins with salvation through accepting Christ as our Saviour. Jesus did not only come to save us from an eternity of torment, but to give us the opportunity to live a life of abundance, by accepting Him as our Saviour.  We see this where Christ is likened to the gate, and whoever comes through Him will be saved. Additionally, the word “pasture”, can be translated to “an abundant life”. This shows us that the only way we can live an abundant life is to surrender ourselves and pursue our eternal life in Christ. By aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with God’s Word, we live a Christ-like life, saved from an eternity of suffering.


Let us pray,

Adoration: Heavenly Father, you are my saviour, my deliverer; You are my life.

Confession: Forgive me for my negative thoughts that I entertain at times.

Thanksgiving: Thank you that I can have an abundant life through Your son, Jesus Christ.

Supplication: I pray You continue to renew my mind through the meditation of Your words. I pray that I may stand firm and deny any thoughts that do not align Your thoughts.

In Jesus Name, 
